Booking Policies
as of May 2024
By booking with us, you agree to follow our policies listed below:
Refunds: I do NOT offer refunds on any treatment under any circumstance. If there are issues with products purchased a credit will be left on your account and needs to be done within the first week of purchasing
Cancellation: You will be charged 100% of your scheduled service if you:
No show/no call
Cancel the day of your appointment
You will be charged 50% of your service if you:
Cancel 48 hours before your appointment
If you need to cancel or reschedule, you must do so 72 hours (3 days) before your appointment to avoid being charged. You should know in advance if you will be available at a certain time/date you signed up for.
No call/No Show: If you no call/no show for your appointment, you will be charged 50% of your scheduled service. If this happens twice, you will be banned from booking appointments at my business.
Rescheduling: If you cancel and reschedule with less than 24 hours notice, you will be charged 50% of your service.
Phone: I understand clients have children, work, etc., and may need to check a text or phone call during your appointment. However, if you plan on working on your phone, answering emails or texts, or talking for an extended period of time, I will end your service early, and you will be charged 100% of your scheduled service.
Kids: If you come with a child, I will prompt you to reschedule, and you will be charged 100% of your service.
Etiquette: I treat all my clients with respect and expect the same in return. If you are disrespectful towards me or make any inappropriate comments, I will refrain from working with you. You will be banned from my business.
Confirmation: 3 days before your appointment, you will get a confirmation text. Click the scroll down and click 'confirm' to confirm your appointment.
If you ignore this text and do not confirm your appointment within 48 hours, your appointment will be canceled. You will receive a cancellation text, and you will be charged 50% of your service.
I can not be unsure if you are showing up to your appointment, and the spot can be given to a client on the waitlist.